So anyway, Temple Grandin. If you have an autistic child, especially an autistic daughter, or are interested in autism and some of the mental gifts and challenges that can accompany it, this is a pretty decent film to see. It doesn't dwell much on the early difficulties, on the guilt and struggles of the mother, the early schooling that brought on speech, but from college onwards it's really good. And inspirational. And I feel like the filmmakers do a really good job of trying to approximate what goes on in Temple's head. And the most amazing thing about that, is that Temple herself can tell them when they have got it right! So much of the time I wonder what is going on in Tallulah's head and I can't wait until she can really tell me. More than "Want Bullseye" or "Get off!" when she wants her shoes off. I mean what's really going on when she suddenly laughs out of no where. Is she remembering something funny? Or did she just see something funny that I missed? Or when she gets upset out of no where. And all of the inbetween times. Every now and then I have a dream where she is a bit older and we're talking to each other like friends, or like other mothers and daughters talk. Nothing talk, about anything. I can never even remember what we were saying. Just that kind of talk that seems so inconsequential that it's not really even worth remembering exactly what it was and I wake up in tears. Most of my life I've been a pretty easy going person. Not too picky. Fairly easy to please. I can usually roll with the punches and make the best of it. It's hard for me to want something this much. It overwhelms me daily, the desire to hear her really speak. To find out who she really is. Not just inferring and guessing. To have her tell me things I didn't know. To have her surprise me with her insights. She's come so far and is doing so well, but still I get impatient. Watching Temple's movie makes me impatient. I want to look back on this period and talk to her about it. I want to talk to her about what she was thinking and feeling at the time. I want to know we made it through this and out the other side. I want to know once and for all that it really will all be ok. I love you Tallulah. I'm trying hard to be patient.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Temple Grandin Movie
So anyway, Temple Grandin. If you have an autistic child, especially an autistic daughter, or are interested in autism and some of the mental gifts and challenges that can accompany it, this is a pretty decent film to see. It doesn't dwell much on the early difficulties, on the guilt and struggles of the mother, the early schooling that brought on speech, but from college onwards it's really good. And inspirational. And I feel like the filmmakers do a really good job of trying to approximate what goes on in Temple's head. And the most amazing thing about that, is that Temple herself can tell them when they have got it right! So much of the time I wonder what is going on in Tallulah's head and I can't wait until she can really tell me. More than "Want Bullseye" or "Get off!" when she wants her shoes off. I mean what's really going on when she suddenly laughs out of no where. Is she remembering something funny? Or did she just see something funny that I missed? Or when she gets upset out of no where. And all of the inbetween times. Every now and then I have a dream where she is a bit older and we're talking to each other like friends, or like other mothers and daughters talk. Nothing talk, about anything. I can never even remember what we were saying. Just that kind of talk that seems so inconsequential that it's not really even worth remembering exactly what it was and I wake up in tears. Most of my life I've been a pretty easy going person. Not too picky. Fairly easy to please. I can usually roll with the punches and make the best of it. It's hard for me to want something this much. It overwhelms me daily, the desire to hear her really speak. To find out who she really is. Not just inferring and guessing. To have her tell me things I didn't know. To have her surprise me with her insights. She's come so far and is doing so well, but still I get impatient. Watching Temple's movie makes me impatient. I want to look back on this period and talk to her about it. I want to talk to her about what she was thinking and feeling at the time. I want to know we made it through this and out the other side. I want to know once and for all that it really will all be ok. I love you Tallulah. I'm trying hard to be patient.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Children's Book Christmas Ideas!
To be honest, the Little Pea book in this box set is not Lu's favorite book. It's all about food and she's not really into food. But the Little Hoot and Little Oink books are some of her most favorite books. So cute. A baby owl who doesn't want to stay up late at night, but has to because that's what owls do, and a very neat and tidy little pig who has to make a mess like the other pigs. It's a nice way to look at going to bed early and cleaning up your room.
I had a hard time deciding which Nikki McClure book to put in the gadget here. They are all so wonderful! Take a look at all of her books if you have a chance. I'm sure one of them will work for someone on your Christmas list. I've given the first 1000 days book to several friends when their children are born as well as some of the other kids books.
Ok, enough nudging from me to buy books that I like for your kids! Hope everyone has great luck with the Christmas shopping and gift making. Last year I vowed to try to make as many gifts as I could this year, but with one thing and another (mainly one child and another) I just haven't had time, so I've been trying to buy gifts like books, music, and handmade items as much as I can. Love handmade stuff!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Holiday Photos!

Friday, November 19, 2010
Late November already

Wow, it's late November already. Time to start thinking about the Holidays. And the end of the year. There were times during the past year when it seemed like time stopped and would never move normally again, the worst times, the terrifying times, but looking back now on the year as a whole, it seems to have passed by in a rushing blur. It's been just over 9 months now since we first learned about Lu's autism. Enough time to gestate a baby. Enough time to start a new life. Enough time to get used to all of this. It's almost funny how normal it all seems now, all of the appointments and therapies, all of the journaling and keeping track of different behaviors and symptoms, all of the wonderful new people in Tallulah's life and ours. I realize that often the moments when I'm most moved to write about what's happening are the moments when I'm upset and need to vent, but the truth is that things, overall, really are going pretty well. Better than I could have hoped for 9 months ago. I need to keep my eye firmly focused on that when the daily exhaustion and frustration or difficulty threaten to overwhelm me. When I think back to all of the first fears of 9 months ago I can see just how far we really have come.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Lu + Preschool = we all get sick every other week
So you know how I said yesterday that Lu passed out in my arms at Music Class? Well, that does sometimes happen due to her extreme sleep depravation from her sleep disorder, but I think this time it was her body giving up the fight against some virus or sickness floating around that made it's presence known today.
Lu did really well in therapy this morning but refused to eat breakfast and hardly touched lunch. Then she curled up and fell asleep on her Toy Story fuzzy blanket while we were trying to Skype with her therapist. She roused herself to go to preschool, but as soon as we got there it was obvious that she wasn't doing well. Normally she runs straight over to the spot where all her favorite toys are for free-play time while everyone arrives. Today she asked for 'hug!' aka 'carry me', halfway down the hall to her classroom and didn't want me to put her down when we got inside. She has seemed a bit cold and clammy in the car, but in the classroom she was suddenly hot, clung onto me and made little moans. I didn't even get her out of her jacket. I just told the teacher I'd be taking her home to rest. A real shame too since there was a field trip to Warner's Nursery today which still had it's hay maze up from Halloween and everything. I think Lu would have really enjoyed it normally. But not today. She threw up in the car as we pulled away. Poor Lu. There are times when it just doesn't seem fair that she has to struggle so much with so many things.
And it seems like Myffers has caught whatever it is too. She hasn't thrown up yet, but she got cold and clammy for a bit too and seemed really uncomfortable and it was difficult to get her down for the night. Poor little thing. Which means that the rest of us will probably catch it soon too and pass it back and forth again for a few days. It really does seem that since Lu started preschool we've all gotten sick a lot more often than we ever have before. But I think everyone always says that, don't they? And who knows, maybe it'll just be one of those 24 hour things and both girls will be miraculously recovered by morning with no further consequence. Let's hope so.
Stew just leaned over my shoulder to look at the title of my post and to tell me that people don't like to read about bad news all of the time. I suppose he's right. I actually feel like I post good news fairly frequently, but then maybe my view is a bit skewed. Anyway, both girls are sleeping sweetly and soundly right at this very moment, so I think I will go try to catch up on sleep myself.
Hope all 10 of my followers out there are doing great. Thanks for reading guys! Even when it is not the best of news.
Love, Jen
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Lu does face-plant at school
Thursday, November 4, 2010
We need to put Lu in Dance Classes!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Walk Now for Autism Speaks and Halloween!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Epigenetics and the Diane Rehm Show
I had every intention of very eloquently asking the guest if any studies had been done on possible links between the traumatic hyper-emesis prenatal environment (including the anti-nausea drugs) and the expression of the genes that are associated with autism. I’ve read so much about people believing that autism genes are triggered by these different events (this is part of the continuing argument behind the vaccine wars) that I couldn’t help wondering if anyone had bothered to look at developmental disorders in these studies along with things like obesity and diabetes. I also have to admit that I’ve never really gotten over the way Lu seemed to be developing typically up to a point, then regressed and sort of stopped. What changed? Why was her development derailed so suddenly. Why did she lose speech and go backwards? It seemed like a switch was turned on. Or off.
Unfortunately I was having a sleep deprived, kind of emotional day, and when I started asking my question I felt the need to explain who I am and why I’m asking, and I got so caught up in explaining our story, the difficult pregnancies, the autism diagnosis, that I started to cry on air. Shame. I can’t help it. I’m a Bryn Mawr girl. I don’t ever want to cry or seem weak in public. Especially not when I want to be taken seriously by the people I’m talking to. But I just couldn’t make it through my question. Instead I got derailed by assurances by the host (Diane was off that day for a voice treatment, can’t remember the other host’s name) and the guest that I did not cause my daughter’s autism. Taking the drugs, not taking the drugs, none of this causes autism. I tried to tell them I realize that and that I’m aware of the genetic component, but isn’t that just the sort of thing they are talking about? Genes being turned on and off by events surrounding the fetus?
Anyway, I just wanted to blog about it to try to get the real question that I meant to ask out there. Because according to the most recent studies I could find hyper-emesis affects 1 in 100 pregnancies and autism affects 1 in 110 babies born. Couldn’t someone out there follow 1000 or even 10,000 women who were hospitalized through out their pregnancies for hyper-emesis and were put on anti-nausea medication during pregnancy, for 5 years or more to see how many of those children have problems, including developmental disorders? Anyone out there want to take this one on? I’d love to see the results.
Ok. I've had my say.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The best day ever
Then just when I was fastening Myffy into her car seat, Lu made a break for it, squeezed out through the dog door, ran across the porch and out the gate I left open for the dog. I ran, grabbed her and lifted her back through the gate, but left my left heel within the gate swing for just a moment too long. Aaarrgh!!! Much louder this time. It closed and scraped the skin right off the back of my heel, soaking my sock with blood, wetting my shoe. I yelled so loud poor Lu looked really scared this time and started to cry. Then I got them both in the car, strapped into the car seats and went back to the house to get the rest of our stuff. I put Lu's lunch box and back pack on top of the therapy box (this holds all the binders of data sheets, procedures, toys for procedures, etc.) along with one of the diaper bags and headed to the car. On the way I misstepped on a paving stone, twisted my ankle, collapsed to the ground and threw everything I was holding into the dust. It hurt. I yelled again. And mostly out of frustration, I teared up a bit. Both ankles hurt now. I didn't know which way to limp. Does it really have to be this hard to leave the house in the morning?
I felt bad for yelling and scaring Lu. I hate it when I do something stupid like that. Her little face looked so frightened. When I dropped her off at school she started crying again. So far this year her drop offs haven't been too bad. But this day she just didn't want me to leave her. Myffy was in the stroller and started crying too. I hate leaving her when she's so upset.
After school Nima came over for a couple of respite hours in the afternoon. I was trying to pay bills, balance checkbooks and upload videos. Lu didn't like me being upstairs when she was down stairs. She was upset. It just wasn't working. I came down after a bit, dressed her in her pink tutu swim suit and Nima filled up the kiddie pool in the back yard. Lu said she needed potty (awesome as we're still working on potty training). I took her. She did. So I said good girl and sang her the potty song. And when we were done washing hands she held her arms out so I knelt down, gave her a big huge hug and said "I love you."
I say this to Lu a lot. Sometimes she hugs me when I say it. Sometimes she puts her cheek out for a kiss. Sometimes she ignores it completely. The one thing she has never, ever done before is say it back. Yesterday she said it back. Loud and clear enough for Nima to hear it through the open door, Tallulah said "I love you." My heart swelled up so big I thought it was going to burst.
I wasn't sure if I would ever hear those words from Lu. It's one of those things you read about autistic children, that they never say it, never express it, but here she was doing it, saying it, smiling! And I guess you could suggest that she might just have been echoing my words back to me (echolalia is a phase a lot of autistic kids go through as they become verbal), but I don't really think so. She looked right at me and smiled. Like she knew what it meant. Or at least had an idea. And she didn't have to say it. She's not said it so many times before. But whatever the reason, it is what it is. My daughter said she loves me. Oh my little Lu, I love you too.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Myffy's Milestones!

Being a second child myself I was determined that I would not let my second child's milestones pass uncelebrated and her childhood pass undocumented. I had the best of intentions to photograph and video and write about and shower her with as much attention as I possibly could without completely abandoning the first child. Unfortunately my plans for raising Myffy, like my plans for raising Lu, have pretty much all been derailed by Lu's autism. Even though Myffy is with me always, her childhood is being spent in therapies and appointments and strapped into her carseat as we go in between. The only pictures and video I ever manage to take of her are quick, on-the-fly and taken with my phone (the above wonderful picture was taken by my friend Tamlyn Corrs back in May). Yet inspite of all the ways that I feel like she's being short changed in this deal, Myffy is absolutely thriving.
She is growing in size and strength and skills in a way that seems amazing to me. The only other child I've ever watched develop step by step is Lu, and as we now know that wasn't quite typical development. I guess that knowing Myffy has a 1 in 5 chance of being autistic because she has an autistic sibling (as opposed to the 1 in 110 chance every other child has) I'm watching her development like a hawk. After watching Lu have to painstaking learn every little thing step by step in discrete trials rather than absorbing it from her environment the way typical children do, I actually feel astounded that any of us are able to learn all the things we normally do. The development of little brains is amazing.
And Myffy's little brian is doing amazing things. Right now she's approximating Mama, Dada, Nigh-nigh, up, down, more, bath and she's doing the signs for nurse and more. Every now and then during Lu's therapy Myff will try to say a word Lu is working on then we all clap and cheer for her and she does the hip-hip-hooray arms! She is a speed crawlyer, a sturdy stander and a competent cruiser. She's getting really good at comandeering people's fingers to help her walk around. And her own unique little personality is bursting out in so many ways. She's getting really opinionated about things, and loud and demanding. And it is awesome.

Yesterday was Myffy's 1st Birthday Party. It was soooo fun! Myffy was so excited to have so many people around the house all day that she absolutely refused to take a nap and consequently fell asleep during the BBQ, right before cake time, and because we had so many little ones over who needed to head home for their own naps and evening routines, we actually cut the cake without her. Which meant that she missed seeing her name misspelled on her cake. I had called it in to Baskin Robbins and repeated the inscription over and over "M as in Mike, Y as in Yankee, F as in Fred, F as in Fred, Y as in Yankee. Somehow it came out "Happy 1st Birthday! Go Myssy Go!" I'm sure it won't be the last time her name is misspelled. But I will make sure to either check the cake myself or remind Stew to check the cake when he picks it up from now on. But Myffers didn't mind. She thought it tasted great. And looked super cute eating it. Thanks to everyone who came over and helped out!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Walking for Autism Speaks

Ok, so I know I said I'd be posting whenever I find the time and I haven't been posting at all, but the truth is that I really have had very little time to spare. A quick recap of the past few months: therapy, appointments, driving to and from therapy and appointments, getting trained to do therapy, interviewing other people to train for therapy, trying to find respite workers, negotiating with the school district for aides and a PO for our therapist to oversee the in-school program, changing hab and respite providers, looking for more respite workers, meetings with DDD and CFSS, videoing therapy, uploading videos of therapy, talking to tech support about uploading videos... I should probably stop there. I know it sounds like I'm complaining, and maybe I am just a little, but I realize all the time that while I'm working hard, Lu is working even harder. She is such a little trooper and has so little unstructured time for a 3 year old.
We'll be doing the Walk Now for Autism Speaks on Halloween morning in Phoenix. I think I'll go ahead and get costumes the girls can do the walk in. Hopefully they will like dressing up. We didn't really do Halloween last year because Myffy had just been born, and the year before I dressed Lu up as a pumpkin but the costume was itchy and she didn't really like it or wear it very long. This is probably the first year she will remember. I wonder what kind of costume she would like. This is the kind of question I can't wait for her to be able to answer. Some day I will ask her "What do you want to be for Halloween" and she will look me right in the eye and say "a princess" or "a cowgirl" or "Buzz Lightyear" or something. And it will be great. It will be so great!
Jen, Stew, Myffy and Lu
Friday, July 23, 2010
Autism in Flagstaff AZ
Thursday, June 24, 2010
To post or not to post
Monday, January 25, 2010
Myffy is already trying to talk!
Closing out 2009