Friday, October 7, 2011

Myffy's Birthday

I feel like the longer it has been since the last time I posted the harder it is to muster the energy to do it. So instead of trying to catch up I'm just going to start with Myffy's 2nd Birthday and then maybe try to put up a few other posts with photos of cool things that have happened since the last post. So here are some photos from Myffy's Birthday! We have two cakes because I ordered one from the super awesome Big Ring Bakery in town which is gluten free and was able to make cakes to our specification for all of Lu's dietary restrictions, however the first cake was dropped and he thought he would not have time to make a second, so Stew made a really nice spice cake with a mix we got at the health food store and we even found a passable frosting that we could make using whipped coconut milk and oils instead of dairy so the cake on the left is the homemade cake, and the cake on the right is the cake that Bret from Big Ring was able to whip up last minute for us to replace the dropped cake. Both were great!

Myffy Sure liked them both!

She also like sitting and bouncing on the balloons until they popped!

And jumping on the trampoline!

And kissing her Woody doll.

And playing ball with Daddy.

And cuddling with Mommy.

Thanks Tamlyn Corr for taking awesome pictures of the Birthday!!!

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