Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lu's new Rocking Horse

So I'm back tracking a bit on blog posts. This was recorded just before Myffy was born, when my mom, Lu's Grammy, brought a new rocking horse over to the in-town house where we were staying before the birth. Lu loves riding horses!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Myffanwy's Birth Day

Sept. 28th, 2009 at 5am Stew and I drove to the hospital and took one last photo of the enormous belly in the garage before going in to give birth. The OB wing of the Flagstaff Medical Center was completely empty of other patients when we got there which made for a very nice and relaxed atmosphere. Early labor took awhile, and nothing very exciting happened until around 5pm when I was dialated 5cm, had just gotten my epidural, was ready to take a nap and the nurse told Stew he had plenty of time to go out to pick up some dinner. "Sure, no problem," I told Stew. "Go get something good to eat. We might be here for awhile." After that I promptly fell asleep. About 20 minutes later I was awoken when the baby's head crowned. I called the nurse who took one look below and said "Call your husband, I'll call the doctor. Don't push! Whatever you do, don't push!"

Stew raced back to the hospital, Dr. Claxton raced to the hospital, and they both made it just in time for me to push three times, and POW! There was she was.
Myffanwy Turrell Anderson
7lbs 3 oz
19.5 inches long

Here she is just after they wiped the weird white stuff off of her and handed her to me in the delivery room.

Exhausted but happy Mom.

Proud Papa.

Me and my Girls!!! Lu is having to make some adjustments to no longer being an only child, but she's handling it all pretty well. At first she wasn't very happy about seeing Myffy nurse, but now she'll sit right next to us and cuddle up on my other side and sometimes even fall asleep as Myffy does. Sweet girls.