Ok, after that kind of heavy and emotional last post, and the last couple of posts having no pictures, I wanted to write a more light-hearted catch-up with lots of photos! So this first photo is the one I've been using as my Facebook profile photo lately. One of the few family photos we have with all of us and the kids happily riding on Cinnamon. What an awesome pony!
In other news, Lu has started ballet! She loves her real ballet shoes and tights and leotards and tutu skirts. And she loves running around dancing in front of huge mirrors to the music from Rio.

This photo with the awesome pink and zebra striped hat is a hospital photo from Lu's last scope. After which she was declared free from Eos!!! And this next photo is Boo Boo Kitty, the newest addition to our ever expanding family.

This next photo is from one of our evening visits to the Ranch HQ to see horses and calves before bedtime. It's a nice way to let the kids run around, see some animals and wear themselves out before bed. And this photo of Lu eating an ice cream pop, well this is the result of adding soy back into her diet, opening up a whole new world of food, including some much better frozen desert options.

One thing that has not been going quite so well lately is the number of times Myffy has been sick and had to visit the doctor's office. This picture of her sitting on a purple chair is her waiting for the doctor to come in and see her. I guess it's being in preschool for the very first time, but she seems to get sick about twice a month. And the last photo, well this is my mare MissE (in honor of Missy Elliot), her son Bullseye (he will be one in August, what a big little guy) and the sweet little Myffers admiring them. Great kids, great animal friends and great times this summer!
Thanks for reading!